Monday, September 12, 2011

Decision Day

David and I always talk about drinking our way through the "Sideways" wineries someday.  We also talk about going on a road trip and eating at the Diner's, Drive-ins, & Dives that Guy Fieri spotlights in Triple D or in his books.  That could take weeks if not months to accomplish.  Something we'll probably have to put off until retirement.  But... until then.  I've decided that I can at least cook my way across America via the recipes in "More Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives."  

You know that saying "Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover?"  Well... let just see if we can actually judge the Diner, Drive-in, or Dive by one or two of it's recipes.  

* Save your $$ eat elsewhere
** A little salt or pepper or something else could make better
*** Yummy... worth going back to try something else on the menu
**** You've got yourself a winner

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